Food Addiction Detection

An Introduction to the SUGAR® Addiction / Harmful Use Assessment

The Sugar Use General Assessment Recording (SUGAR®) Assessment, is a ground-breaking tool.  I'm proud to be certified and licensed to provide and use the SUGAR® Assessment for your benefit.  Think of the SUGAR® Assessment as a secret key to open a new door to reveal hidden forces… forces that could be driving your constant cravings and inability to successfully lose weight.

SUGAR® is the first diagnostic instrument of its kind dedicated to assessing addiction to, or harmful use of sugar, carbohydrates, or processed foods. It is based on WHO's ICD-10 and APA's DSM-5 reference manuals, and effectively identifies the gray line between sugar addiction and harmful usage.  Based on this new insight, specific strategies can be developed and executed to address either of these distinct underlying causes.

This removes trial and error approaches and immediately puts you on the correct path for quicker results.  Imagine how wonderful it would be to have no false starts and no dead ends in your weight loss journey.

Those who choose to work with me and use the SUGAR® tool, experience many benefits. The SUGAR® assessment enables me to provide you a comprehensive analysis of your relationship with these common foods.  Then, based on that new understanding, we can create a path forward to help you attain your goals with clarity and without frustration.

The tool also shows your unique "addiction development curve" from early childhood to today.  This provides a broad, historical perspective which allows you to see patterns of behavior in a new way for the first time. Being able to see old behavior patterns and then correct them is a powerful motivator towards recovery.

As a certified professional, I provide my clients with tailored intervention measures and empowering treatment recommendations.  This helps them proceed on the path to freedom from sugar dependency.

In essence, the SUGAR® tool is more than just an assessment… it's a gateway to understanding the cause of your cravings.  Understanding that cause empowers you to conquer it, leading to a healthier lifestyle.

I am ready whenever you are.  Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

SUGAR® Addiction / Harmful Use Assessment  $395

Sugar Use General Assessment Recording (SUGAR®)

The SUGAR® Assessment Introduced above includes:

Pre-Assessment Review Self-Assessment,

90-minute SUGAR® Assessment ZOOM Interview with me,

45-minute debrief ZOOM meeting with me,

Reports of Findings complete with Recommendations,

Addiction Curve Graph.

Assessment and Debrief $395


The SUGAR® Addiction Assessment enables you to know if you are addicted to sugar or not.  This knowledge is essential in setting the course for you to make lasting, meaningful change and achieve your weight and health related objectives.
Benefits include:

  • Improved focus to get faster, better results
  • Improved perspective for increased awareness and commitment
  • Ability to address the "REAL" issues, providing better, faster results
  • Improved understanding of root cause to remove guesswork and build confidence.
  • Opens door to new opportunities for success.

Feel free to contact me using the form below if you would like more information or would like to discuss how this would be of value to you.  And don't worry... our conversation will be kept in the strictest confidence.

Addiction Assessment Contact Form

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